Latest: LHC demands release of Sheikh Rasheed

In a startling turn of events, a petition has been filed in the Lahore High Court’s (LHC) Rawalpindi bench, challenging the arrest of prominent politician Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, his nephew Sheikh Shakir, and two of their servants. This incident has sparked outrage and raised questions about the legality and justification of their arrest. In this article, we will delve into the details of this case, exploring the circumstances surrounding the arrests and the legal implications.

Background of the Arrest

The arrest of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, a prominent figure in Pakistani politics, along with his nephew and two servants, took place in Bahria Town Phase-III. It was reported that a group of individuals, including police personnel in civilian clothes, apprehended them without any official arrest warrants. This action raised immediate concerns about the legality of the arrest and the due process that should have been followed.

Sheikh Aamir Shafique, a concerned family member, filed a writ petition before the LHC Rawalpindi Bench through his lawyer, Sardar Abdul Razziq. The petition sought an order for the police to produce Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Sheikh Shakir Shaqfique, Sheikh Imran (a staff member of the former Interior Minister), and their driver Sajid in court. It was highlighted that the police had not provided any information about their whereabouts, which further fueled the apprehensions surrounding the case.

Delay in Court Appearance

One of the most concerning aspects of this case is the delay in presenting Sheikh Rashid Ahmed in any local court. More than 24 hours had passed since his arrest, and there was no information provided about his elder brother, Sheikh Shakir, staff member Sheikh Imran, and driver Sajjad. This delay in their court appearance raised questions about their well-being and the transparency of the legal proceedings.

Sheikh Aamer Shafiq, the nephew of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, argued in his petition that the police had arrested the detainees without any valid arrest warrants and had shifted them to an undisclosed location. What added complexity to the case was the fact that those picked up by the police neither had any prior cases registered against them nor were they wanted in connection with any ongoing investigations.

The petitioner further emphasized that Sheikh Shakir, who is not involved in politics but is a trader, was also taken into custody, adding another layer of confusion to the situation. It was contended that this act by the police violated several articles of the Constitution, including articles 4, 9, 10, 15, and 14A.

A Plea for Justice

In light of the aforementioned concerns and violations of legal rights, the petition fervently requested the court to order the police to produce the detainees in court and release them immediately. The situation has raised serious questions about the conduct of law enforcement agencies and their adherence to legal procedures.


The arrest of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, his nephew Sheikh Shakir, and their servants has ignited a legal battle that raises significant questions about the rule of law and the protection of citizens’ rights. As the case unfolds, it is crucial to ensure that justice prevails and that the rights of the accused are upheld in accordance with the Constitution.

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