Latest: A Heartful gesture by Iran, released 5 American Prisoners after years

In a heartwarming turn of events, five Americans who had been imprisoned in Iran for years were finally set free through a controversial prisoner swap. Their journey to freedom culminated in a tearful and emotional reunion with their families on American soil. This article provides a detailed account of their release and the emotions that ran high during this remarkable homecoming.

The Long-Awaited Journey Home

The story begins with a plane carrying these five American citizens, who had endured unimaginable hardships in Iranian prisons, touching down in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. This location, just south of Washington DC, became the backdrop for their emotional return to the United States. The arrival took place on a Tuesday morning, a day that marked the end of a long and arduous chapter in their lives.

The prisoner swap that led to this heartening reunion was not without its complexities. The final piece of the puzzle fell into place when a staggering $6 billion (£4.8 billion) in Iranian funds, held in South Korea, was successfully transferred to banks in Doha, Qatar. This financial maneuver paved the way for the release of the prisoners.

It’s important to note that the released individuals were dual citizens, holding both Iranian and US passports. As part of the exchange, five Iranians who were in US custody were also released. However, it’s worth mentioning that three of these Iranians opted not to return to Iran.

The moment of arrival at Davison Army Airfield was deeply emotional. The clock had just struck 05:30 local time (10:30 BST), and tears flowed freely as the released Americans reunited with their family members on the tarmac. It was a powerful scene, filled with hugs, tears, and expressions of overwhelming relief and happiness.

Accompanying the released prisoners were two family members, US presidential envoy Roger Carstens and Abram Paley, deputy special envoy for Iran. Both Carstens and Paley had played pivotal roles in facilitating the release, and their presence was a testament to the diplomatic efforts behind this momentous occasion.

A Message of Hope

At Fort Belvoir, Roger Carstens delivered brief remarks, urging the former detainees to take advantage of the “post-isolation support” offered by the US military. He expressed confidence that they would continue to advocate for the release of more Americans held overseas, emphasizing the enduring fight for justice.

Wrongful Imprisonment

For years, US officials had maintained that the five detainees held in Iran were wrongfully imprisoned for political leverage. Among the released Americans, there was Siamak Namazi, a 51-year-old businessman who had spent nearly eight years in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison. Also released were businessman Emad Shargi, 59, and 67-year-old environmentalist Morad Tahbaz, who held British citizenship. Their unjust imprisonment had finally come to an end.

A Nightmare Finally Over

As the plane landed in Fort Belvoir, the sound of clapping and cheers filled the predawn hours. Siamak Namazi, the first to disembark, took a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath before stepping onto American soil. Loved ones, clutching small American flags, enveloped them in heartfelt hugs and exchanged greetings in both English and Farsi, the main language of Iran.

Namazi’s brother, Babak, summed up the sentiments with profound relief, stating, “The nightmare is finally over.” He added, “We haven’t had this moment in over eight years. It’s unbelievable.” Baquer, their father, who had been previously released by Iran, joined them in this joyous reunion.

A Glimmer of Hope in Diplomacy

Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, who was present for the United Nations General Assembly in New York, suggested that this prisoner exchange could be viewed as “a step in the direction of a humanitarian action between us and America.” He acknowledged that it had the potential to help build trust between the two nations.

However, it is important to acknowledge that tensions are likely to persist between the US and Iran, given their ongoing disputes, including those related to Tehran’s nuclear program. While Iran claims that its nuclear program is peaceful, it has raised concerns by enriching uranium closer to weapons-grade levels.

Messages of Gratitude

After the plane came to a stop in Doha, three of the released prisoners—Siamak Namazi, Emad Sharghi, and Morad Tahbaz—emerged from the aircraft. They shared heartfelt embraces with the US ambassador to Qatar, Timmy Davis, and other officials. In a statement issued on behalf of the released Americans, Namazi expressed his gratitude, saying, “I would not be free today if it wasn’t for all of you who didn’t allow the world to forget me.”

The United States chose not to immediately identify the other two freed Americans, emphasizing that they posed no threat to US national security. The prisoner exchange marked a significant diplomatic gesture, demonstrating the capacity for dialogue and resolution even in the most challenging international situations.


The release of these five Americans from Iranian captivity is a testament to the power of diplomacy and the persistence of hope. It signifies that even in times of great international tension, moments of humanity and compassion can prevail. As these individuals reunite with their families and begin the journey of healing, it is a reminder of the importance of pursuing diplomatic solutions to complex global issues.

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