Latest: Petrol and Diesel price hike creates controversies in Pakistan

Caretaker Government Implements Substantial Fuel Price Surge: Petrol and Diesel Prices Reach New Heights

In a surprising move, the caretaker government has announced a significant increase in the prices of petrol and high-speed diesel (HSD), sending shockwaves throughout the nation. The Ministry of Finance revealed that petrol prices have soared by Rs14.91 per litre, elevating it to an astonishing Rs305.36 per litre. Simultaneously, high-speed diesel prices have been raised by Rs18.44 per litre, resulting in a new rate of Rs311.84 per litre. The announcement was made through an official post on the social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, well past midnight.

Absence of Revision for Kerosene and Light Diesel Oil

While the petrol and high-speed diesel prices experienced a staggering surge, the caretaker government has not indicated any alterations in the rates of kerosene or light diesel oil. This decision has ignited discussions about the potential impact on various sectors and the daily lives of the citizens who rely on these fuels.

Back-to-Back Price Hikes Amidst Economic Uncertainty

This latest increase in fuel prices comes in the wake of a previously immense hike on August 15, when the interim government raised fuel prices by up to Rs20 per litre. The initial spike in petroleum prices was a result of similar actions taken by the preceding government on August-1. These successive price hikes have intensified concerns about the affordability of essential commodities for the common people.

Factors Driving the Price Surge

The decision to raise fuel prices was grounded in the existing tax rates and import parity prices. The interplay of currency depreciation and a slight upturn in international oil prices has contributed to the need for such a substantial increase. The currency exchange rate of the rupee against the US dollar witnessed yet another downfall, depreciating by an additional Rs1.09 in the interbank market. Ultimately, it reached an unprecedented low, closing at Rs305.54.

Impact on Citizens and Industries

As fuel prices continue to soar, concerns have arisen over the far-reaching consequences for citizens and various industries. Transportation costs are expected to rise, leading to potential inflationary pressures on the economy. The burden of these price hikes could disproportionately affect the lower-income groups, who are already grappling with economic uncertainties.

Uncertain Road Ahead

With the caretaker government pushing through these dramatic fuel price increases, citizens and businesses are left to grapple with the challenges that lie ahead. As the nation navigates through these turbulent times, the focus remains on managing the economic repercussions while ensuring essential services remain accessible to all.


As Petrol prices are increasing in Pakistan within weeks, Pakistani’s are not happy with it. This can trigger Civil War Between people of Pakistan and Political Parties (Leaders), it can lead to a great disaster. Pakistani Economy is decreasing day by day and inflation rates has been on a trend for almost 2 years now.

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