Ancient Wooden Structure Unearthed in Zambia: 500,000-Year-Old Archaeological

In the world of archaeology, groundbreaking discoveries often reshape our understanding of human history. The recent unearthing of a half-million-year-old wooden structure along the banks of a river in Zambia is one such discovery. This ancient find, detailed in a study published in the journal Nature, has not only challenged our perceptions but also provided fascinating insights into the resourcefulness and technical capabilities of early humans.

Delving into the Past

The discovery at Kalambo Falls, a towering 772-foot waterfall situated on the border of Zambia and Tanzania, has sparked excitement among archaeologists and researchers alike. The find consists of two interlocking logs joined side-to-side by an intentionally cut notch, with the upper log showing signs of deliberate shaping. Moreover, tool marks on both logs and a collection of wooden tools found nearby add to the intrigue of this ancient site.

Reimagining Early Human Life

Archaeologist Prof. Larry Barham, who leads the Deep Roots of Humanity research project at the University of Liverpool, expressed his astonishment at the find, saying, “This discovery has changed how I think about our early ancestors.” Indeed, it challenges the conventional notion of the “Stone Age” by shedding light on the innovative spirit of these ancient people.

Rather than merely using wood for spears, digging, or fire, it appears that early hominins at Kalambo Falls used their intelligence, imagination, and skills to create something entirely new. The logs may have been utilized in the construction of raised platforms, walkways, or foundations for dwellings in the region’s periodically wet floodplain.

What makes this discovery even more extraordinary is its age. The wooden structure dates back approximately 476,000 years, predating the evolution of our own species, Homo sapiens, by over 120,000 years. It is the earliest known evidence of humans deliberately shaping two logs to fit together, showcasing their ability to adapt and innovate with the resources at hand.

Woodworking Tradition Unveiled

Perrice Nkombwe, a member of the research team from the Livingstone Museum in Zambia, expressed his amazement, saying, “I was amazed to know that woodworking was such a deep-rooted tradition.” The discovery at Kalambo Falls challenges the previous belief that early humans primarily used wood for basic purposes. It signifies a significant leap in their technological prowess.

Kalambo Falls: A UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Making

The archaeological site of Kalambo Falls was first excavated in the 1950s and 1960s, long before advanced dating techniques could shed light on its true significance. Today, it stands as a testament to the rich history of human innovation. Kalambo Falls is currently on a tentative list to become a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its immense archaeological importance.

Unraveling the Deep Roots of Humanity

This remarkable discovery is part of the Deep Roots of Humanity project, a collaborative effort by an interdisciplinary international team of researchers dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of human technology during the Stone Age. Prof. Larry Barham commented on the significance of Kalambo Falls, stating, “Kalambo Falls is an extraordinary site and a major heritage asset for Zambia. The Deep Roots team is looking forward to more exciting discoveries emerging from its waterlogged sands.


In conclusion, the unearthing of a half-million-year-old wooden structure at Kalambo Falls in Zambia has revolutionized our understanding of early human life. It highlights the remarkable ingenuity and resourcefulness of our ancestors, who used wood to create structures that predate our species by millennia. This discovery underscores the importance of preserving and studying archaeological sites like Kalambo Falls, as they hold the keys to unlocking the deep roots of humanity.

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